Network and cohort studies
In cohort studies courses of diseases or treatment, risk behaviour or the incidence of diseases are considered. For this purpose, corresponding data of selected centres are collected. With this information treatment procedures, quality of life and life expectancy of chronically sick persons can be investigated and improved.
The ifi-Institute currently takes part in the following network and cohort studies:
- "Clinical surveillance of HIV-diseases" (Robert-Koch-Institute) – A prospective data collection about the clinical course, laboratory parameters and the therapy of HIV in HIV-infected patients in Germany
- "KABP-Surv STI" (Robert-Koch-Institute) - Behaviour and Infectious monitoring in STI-risk groups
- "HIV-Serokonverterstudy" (Robert-Koch-Institute) - A study for the evaluation of the influencing quantity on the course of the HIV disease, the spread of HIV-subtypes such as the transmission of resistant virus
- "Hepatitis C Virus-Genotyp 2/3-Register- expertise network hepatitis" (German liver foundation) - collection of data of until now not treated patients with chronic hepatitis C, genotypes 2 and 3
- "Hepatitis B-Register- expertise network hepatitis" (German liver foundation) - Quantitative HBsAg in natural course of the chronic hepatitis B
- "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Influenza AGI" (Robert-Koch-Institut) – Documentation of all acute respiratory and flu-like infections respectively of the general public.