HIV-postexposure-prophylaxis (PEP)

Occupational and non-occupational contact with HIV-containing liquids can lead to a transmission of the HIV-virus. After the exposure several measures can be taken which reduce the risk of an HIV transmission.

HIV-PEP standard therapy

Truvada® (1 x 1) P L U S Kaletra® (2 x 2)
(oder Combivir® (2 x 1) P L U S Kaletra® (2 x 2))

  • For information on possible combinations see the German-Austrian Recommendations on HIV-PEP
  • In case of contra-indications against protease inhibitors Sustiva® is an option (CAVE: not during pregnancy!!)
  • Pregnancy: Contra-indication for Sustiva®, PI problematic, consult an expert
  • In case of viruses with many resistances, Prezista® or Fuzeon® are an option
  • Time interval between HIV-exposure and PEP-start:
    start of PEP as early as possible (maximum effect when started within 2 hours of exposure)
    reduced efficacy when started 24 hours till 72 hours after exposition
    no PEP indicated when contact is >72hours ago 
  • duration of PEP: four weeks
  • the mentioned drugs are not approved for PEP

HIV-Postexposure prophylaxis- The newest recommendations (in German)



What is HIV?

Ways of transmission


Course of the infection

Treatment of HIV-Infections